Touch of Life Massage Therapy and Personal Wellness presents the mission of Touch of Life:
Vision: To develop a community of wholly healthy citizens through the provision of wellness solutions and high quality of services through an integrated spirit, mind and body approach.
Mission: is to increase and restore the quality of life for each client utilizing Biblical and holistic therapies including massage, esthetics, personal training, and Biblical counseling.
Values: Core values of Faith, Hope, Love, Compassion, Integrity and Excellence direct our conduct as we provide alternative health services our community.
Massage has many healing factors accomplished through various modalities to achieve physical, emotional, and psychological wellness.
Touch of Life offers various modalities: Wellness Massage, Active Life, Prenatal, and Hot-Stone. Continue to look for other specialty modalities to be added to our list of services.
Services are available for all age groups. Ask about "Juniors" & "Seniors", Armed Forces and Educators
Contact us at 706- 955-3853. Voice messages are encouraged.